Thursday, April 18, 2024

Bezawit Damtew


Name: Bezawit Damtew

Education: BSc in Civil Engineering and BA in Business Management

Company name: Forge General Contractors

Title: Founder and Deputy Manager

Founded in: 2017

What it does: Building Design and Construction

HQ: Megenagna

Number of employees: 4

Startup Capital: 15,000 birr

Current capital: Growing

Reasons for starting the business: To create job opportunities for others and to be self employed

Biggest perks of Ownership: Help me to develop my capacity

Biggest strength: Commitment

Biggest challenge: Finding customers

Plan: To be one of the best construction companies in Ethiopia

First career: Engineer

Most interested in meeting: Oprah Winfrey

Most admired person: My grandmother

Stress reducer: Chilling with my friends

Favorite past-time: Watching movies

Favorite book: The Godfather by Mario Puzo

Favorite destination: Seychelles Island

Favorite automobile: Toyota CH-R

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