Frehiwot Ginamo

Name: Frehiwot Ginamo

Education: BSc in Public Health

Company name: Fre Beauty Salon and Decor

Title: Founder and Deputy Manager

Founded in: 2017

What it does: Hair Dressing and Decor

HQ: Mehal Piassa, Hawassa

Number of employees: 5

Startup Capital: 250,000 birr

Current capital: Growing

Reasons for starting the business: Interested in business

Biggest perks of Ownership: Helps me to be more responsible

Biggest strength: I focus on solutions instead of problems

Biggest challenge: Lack of patience

Plan: To expand the business to incorporate different lines

First career: None

Most interested in meeting: Arsen Wenger Arsenals’ coach

Most admired person: My Mom

Stress reducer: Swimming

Favorite past-time: Reading Books

Favorite book: The Holy Bible

Favorite destination: Israel

Favorite automobile: Toyota Carina

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