Name: Nemany Hailemelekot Teklegiorgis

Education: BA in Marketing

Company name: Iconic Events

Title: Assistant Managing Director

 Founded in: November, 2017

What it does: Event Management

HQ: Aynalem Building, 24, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Number of employees: 15

Startup Capital:  75,000 birr

Current capital:  Growing

Reasons for starting the business: We wanted to have something of our own

Biggest perks of Ownership: Getting to work with friends

Biggest strength: Commitment to the work I do

Biggest challenge: Rejection and naysayers who think we will fail

Plan: To become the premier event management agency in Ethiopia

First career: Marketing Officer Most interested in meeting: Elon Musk

Most admired person: My Father

Stress reducer: Listening to Music

Favorite past-time: Sunday walks with my Dad

Favorite book: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Favorite destination: Home

Favorite automobile: 2018 Range Rover

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