Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tigistu Artero


Name: Tigistu Artero

Education: 6th grade

Company name: Tigistu Butchery and Grocery

Studio Title: Owner

Founded in: 2015

What it does: Selling meat and beverages

HQ: Summit

Number of employees: 5

Startup Capital: 22,000 birr

Current capital: Growing

Reasons for starting the business: To make my own money

Biggest perk of ownership: Being my own boss

Biggest strength: Commitment

Biggest challenge: Finding a suitable work place

Plan: To expand

First career: Shoe shine

Most interested in meeting: Haile G/ Selassie

Most admired person: Haile G/ Selassie

Stress reducer: Being alone

Favorite past-time: Working

Favorite book: None

Favorite destination: Dilla

Favorite automobile: Toyota Pickup

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