The affairs that require attention

About a year ago, the study conducted by Ethiopian community health institute in collaboration with food, medicine and healthcare administration and a control authority on Ethiopian tobacco shows that our country should strictly work on tobacco control.
As the result of the study show, in our country, 8.1 men and 1.8 womena total of 5% or 3.2 million citizens use tobacco from this. Out of this , 6.2% men, 1.2% women  and a total of 3.7% or 2.5 million citizens  smoke cigarettes .
Though the condition in Ethiopia looks like less when compared with other countries, in view of movements made by big cigarette producing companies in the world and the current condition, our country shall be one of the countries  that  may lose several citizens  due to smoking  in near future unless the required work is done strictly.
Currently, it is necessaryto enact strict laws and implement the same in order to save several citizens of developing country from death caused by smoking.  Some people say that this condition doesn’t createsuitable condition for rich tobacco producing companies.The companies take the alternative of expanding their production to areas such as Africa. Even though there is no tangible evidence, such companies can achieve their objective as they can Knock the door they want via their financial power.
Hence, in order to expand their business using financial power, they become obstacle against the enactment of laws of the countries or against their implementation. Indeed, as the conditions threatening, all people should take apart. It becomes changing of honorable life of human being with money.
Recently, the company named Japan tobacco international has purchased national tobacco enterprise, which is 71 share of the government amounting about 1 billion and the same has been broadcast via mass media. 33% share of this company is that of Japanese government. It is better for the Japanese government which we like and honor personally to engage in other investment alternatives as Ethiopiahas vast investment alternatives. It is not doubt that the company shall get the paid money refunded and   engage to earn better asset. As this is the objective of the business,  no question can be raise.  Earning asset is the must. This is because, the national tobacco enterprise, cannot refund the paid money. It is possible to increase production in the process of expansion. It needs vast market for the product. The dangerous thing is that  if  more than 100 million peopleare considered for the market for other development and growth.
The main objective of this writing is not to analyze the effect of tobacco but to put some points regarding the problem. Cigarette not only affect the health of the smoker but also it causes death.
When the health of a person is affected, he/she shall be exposed to medical expense in addition to the fact that the medicines used for treating the person are purchase via foreign currency or they are manufactured in abroad. In addition to this, the indicated study shows 2.5 million people smoke cigarette   daily in Ethiopia. The study shows if person smokes5 cigarettes per day in average, 11 million cigarettes shall be smoked per day.  This is not simple in view of cost when changed to money.
In general, even a person should not die in the manner we can control such death and  as the life of human being cannot be exchanged in terms of money,  all  people should hold responsibility to control health  complication and death.
Legislative (parliament)
The expansion of tobacco companies in to Africa by this time is not proper to me in view of moral.  If investing it to get asset, Africa is a continent with several alternatives. Otherwiseit is not needed to open door to produce products killing life.
In view of this asparliament has big responsibility, strong law should be enacted which shall be similar to the laws  of the developed country to save their citizens.
The study indicated on the introduction above shows   that the number of smokers can be reduced up on increasing tax against cigarette. The increment of tax amount increases the sales price. In current condition, As it is not possible to purchase cigarette in cents our country, the smokers shall take the alternative of stopping tobacco
Legal executives and Judiciary
It is told that most of the time, after the enactment of laws used for a people, there is a problem on legal Executives and Judiciary. It is believed that the most of the reach companies can be the hands of any person via financial power. Instead there is rumor that wealth companies forcing  any one towards achieving their  interest through financial  power. In view of this   they should full fill their duty in executing and applying the law with understanding and determination. Here in my opinion the Tigray regional states effort in executing and applying the pervious law, which  in my opinion is weak, has been exemplary  to the world  and enable them to win a prize. It is exemplary act in caring for citizen’s health. Hence, other regional states should save the lives of their citizens in adopting  the experience of their citizens in adopting  the experience of Tigray region in preventing  the harm of Cigarette.
Religion fathers
Though we have accepted smoking as manner abhor by the society and religious fathers. The reason why smoking is not a common place in Ethiopia is since we have good values and teaching of religious fathers, culture and values and loose our religion we become vulnerable to smoking addiction.  Since our current religious leaders are obedient and fearing God they are expected to teach the harm of smoking.
With   a slogan that a single individual should not lose its life, and I hope they have similar stand.
Smokers  who become addicted to peer  influence  or other, you  should pray  according  to your  faith  in order  to be free from addiction. Howe ever it is possible to be force from addiction with much effort. Taking the professional assistance is an alternative.
Smoker brothers and sisters I hope you understand the harmfulness of smoking on spouses in addition with harming to your own health you should be grateful to your spouses since they are living with you coping up the hazard.
The media
The role of the media in teaching, creating awareness and providing information is very high. Their opportunity in obtaining the information is better than others.
In view of this   the public and private media should full fill their duty in teaching and awaring the harmfulness of smoking in their programs.  I believe allocating some time from your program to allocating some time from your program to this agenda is fulfilling national obligation.
Non – smoking citizens
Smoking is not illegal act. Howe make vulnerable non- smoking citizens is illegal. In view of this we should prevent smokers when smoking out of the reserve smoking area.
Environment preservation Authority
The  recent  measure  of the   Addis Ababa environmental  preservation  Authority  on those factories  which pollute health  including National  tobacco Enterprise
Should  be acclaimed I do not doubt that  the measure  taken  on those  factories  which have been polluting the society is part of the change  going  on in the nation.Those  factories which have  been after  a while. What  should  be noticed is that  taking  strong  measure  up to closing  on those   who do not taken  measure  with  the time  limit is ameasure with no alternative otherwise.
It is plain that our country has a lot of alternatives which are not yet tapped.  Most of us agree that even if investment   is vital for growth no one should die or get ill in the name of investment.
There are things which require time , finance and labor  in order  to adjust . Preventing death or illness caused by smoking is easy. It only requires dedication.
The dedication  of the parliament, the  police and  the court  including  the first  duty  is that  of the parliament .The parliament  is  expected to approve  amending the proposed  revised tobacco regulation  in line  with the  standard law.  The others are expected to fulfill their responsibility here after.

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