States and their innate manipulative behaviors, almost always at the service of capital, are at the core of the current overwhelming incoherence that obtains in the nation-states of the modern world system. To systemic analysts/operators economic, social, and political incoherence has become dastardly unmanageable on the world scale. Of course, this phenomenon might not be visible to the gullible sheeple (human mass), but that doesn’t make it any less tolerable, particularly to those sensitive/concerned citizenry of the world. Luckily, there are indications to suggest the bosses of the global order might have finally recognized the comprehensive danger that is threatening the world order, which of course is the existing lopsided globalization!
To this end, the DS (deep state) has been working overtime to come up with proposals and actions that might be convincing, both to the privileged insiders as well as to the marginalized outsiders. As this project is still inchoate, one cannot pass considered judgment as to its potential veracity or sustainability. To recall; our definition of the DS (Deep State) is the amalgam of the military-intelligence-industrial-banking-media-complex. The world economy has been in intensive care since at least the last ‘mini’ credit crisis. We say ‘mini’ because no global economic regime of fiat currency has ever managed to go through a complete credit cycle in the history of organized humanity/civilization, without economic social collapse. This is obvious because; within the prerogative of the phony money system (fiat monetary regime), value will ultimately be delivered in currencies that sport plenty of zeroes with no purchasing power! Think German’s Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Argentina, etc. or in the words of one of the founders of the ‘Austrian School of Economics’: “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” Ludwig von Mises.
Are the bosses of the system leaning towards the ‘abandonment of further credit expansion’ project, a la Mises, to stave off sudden global economic demise? Is the current project of shrinking the existing world economy, under various guises, part of this ‘abandonment’ project? Can the ‘Reset’ project stop the accelerating global collapse? Only time will tell. In the mean time, printing trillions in a global economy that is physically locked up might not be all that inflationary, as the velocity of money (in this case) is effectively zero! In this regard, the current behavior of the five eyes is somewhat telling, save the hegemon. The 5Is are USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It seems the 4Is are at it again, reinforcing draconian measures on the account of the declared pandemic. They are resorting to the good old irrational fear as an effective tool to freeze economies. Unlike the other 4Is, however, the hegemon is not homogeneous, in more ways than one. Other countries that are highly dependent on the DS have followed suits. For example, the wretched countries of Africa are sheepishly implementing directives from the DS, without hardly any debate whatsoever. Don’t forget; the banking component of the DS includes the major banking organizations of the world system; BIS, IMF, WB, ECB, etc. By the same token, the media component of the DS includes Google, Twitter/Facebook, Netflix/Hollywood, etc.
Elsewhere on the planet, where the DS is not deeply entrenched, like Scandinavia, the handling of Covid-19 was mostly based on solid science, rational management and prudent politics. Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands are examples where responsible pro-people approach to problem solving was visibly displayed. Tanzania in Africa has also become an exception by pursuing policies that are more or less similar to the Scandinavians! Belarus was also in this camp until color revolution hit it smack on its face, so to speak. Concerned citizens in Germany have also started a movement trying to force the government to set up an independent commission of enquiry about the whole lockdown/pandemic episode. The incoherence about the pandemic even within the OECD (rich countries) is so astounding it is defying the very logic and modus operandi of the prevailing empire. When genuine science is visibly undermined by the politicized cadres of the ‘paid science’ community (a good portion of academia) including the once prestigious institutions of enlightenment, one must suspect that something is really out of sync within the inner workings of the global order!
The political incoherence, particularly within the hegemon is probably unprecedented. The White house is openly confronting the most secretive element of the DS, namely the intelligence community, with abandon. The major countries of the EU are also having second thoughts about the whole union (EU) project (Brexit might only be the harbinger). European political parties, with aspirations that are in direct conflict with the European project, are coming to the fore, despite protestations by the old guards comfortably sitting in Brussels. Cultural and social incoherence are now a dime a dozen, not only in the USA and UK, but also elsewhere in Europe! All these incoherence need resolutions, acceptable resolutions, otherwise chaotic collapse will only accelerate! Granted, the operating word is now ‘Reset’, but the question still remains; will the ‘Reset’ project deliver what the global sheeple is craving for (health, peace/no wars, ecosystem sustainability, etc.) or will it stick to the old model of serving only the interests of the parasitic elites? The future of current civilization is hanging in the balance. Following is an epitome of the ongoing political incoherence. Here is the most powerful man on the planet sparring, or is it more like pleading, with the formidable DS.

This was first published in October 2020

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