15th General Assembly of the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB)

From 02 to 06 September 2024, the 15th General Assembly of the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) (www.UAR-AUB.org) was held in Gaborone, Botswana, with the theme “The future of African media in the face of the challenges of new technologies and climate change.”

This meeting was marked by strategic discussions for the future of African media.


1. The Executive Council (02 September 2024)

The Executive Council of the AUB opened the Gaborone meeting on 02 September 2024. During this meeting, two important initiatives were announced:

– The launch of the African Observatory of Artificial Intelligence. This observatory, housed within the AUB, has the mission of monitoring, analyzing and anticipating the impacts of artificial intelligence on African media.

It aims to promote the integration of new technologies in the continent’s media while taking into account local realities.

– The continuation of the implementation of the AUB Foundation for the Fight against Cancer. The Council instructed the Director General of the Union, Mr. Grégoire Ndjaka, to continue the implementation of this foundation, launched in March 2024 in Cameroon, to intensify the fight against cancer, which affects nearly a quarter of the African population today. This is done primarily through the training of journalists, but also through awareness campaigns and concrete actions to support patients and health systems in Africa.

2. The General Assembly (September 3-4, 2024)

– The General Assembly saw a strong African and international mobilization, highlighting the growing importance of the AUB on the global media scene. During this session, six new members were officially integrated:

– China Media Group (CMG)

– Voice of America (VOA)

– Russia Today (RT)

– China National Radio Television (NRTA)



These new memberships strengthen the AUB network and open up new perspectives for international cooperation in the media.

The AUB Awards

An awards ceremony honored the best African media productions and innovations. These awards recognized exceptional initiatives in the fields of journalism, technological innovation, and the production of content dealing with climate and environmental issues.

4. Messages of recognition and congratulations

The Chairman of the Executive Council of the AUB warmly thanked the Botswana people and its President, His Excellency MOKGWEETSI MASISI for the organization, the quality of the welcome reserved for the participants, as well as for all the efforts made to ensure the success of this major event for the media sector in Africa. 

The 15th General Assembly of the AUB in Gaborone was a resounding success, particularly in terms of organization, the number of participants, the arrival of half a dozen new members from several continents including the Americas and Asia, which testifies to the openness and growing influence of the AUB.

This General Assembly was an excellent opportunity that allowed the strengthening of the world’s media and those of Africa.

Grégoire NDJAKA
Director General

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Union of Broadcasting (AUB).

Launching AUB African Artificial Intelligence Observatory: https://apo-opa.co/3B97vA5

New Executive Council: https://apo-opa.co/4echfYP

GA in Bostwana: https://apo-opa.co/3Ttmdbp

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