Education: Civil, Electrical and Civil Engineer
Company Name: Sparkle Crafts
Title: Partner
Founded in: 2024
What it does: Hand Made Epoxy Crafts
Head quarter: Addis Ababa
Startup capital: 30,000 birr
Current capital: 100,000 birr
Number of the Employees: None
Reason for Starting the business: Financial freedom
Biggest perk of ownership: Doing what we love
Biggest strength: Creativity
Biggest challenge: Workshop and outlet space
Plan: Opening large craft shop
First Career: None
Most interested in meeting: Trevor Noah, Jordan Peterson
Most admired person: My mom, My mom, My family
Stress reducer: Music, Reading books, Praying
Favorite book: Alemenor (አለመኖር), Holly Bible, Tibebu: Shepherd in the Wilderness
Favorite past time: None
Favorite destination: Hawaii, Traveling around the world, The whole World
Favorite automobile: Range Rover, Mercedes Benz, Mercedes Benz S class