Bid Number: BID-2024-25-004

Hibret Insurance invites eligible and interested bidders for the provision of Digital Media Management Services through an open competitive bidding process.

1. Eligibility Criteria:

Interested bidders must be legally licensed to provide digital media management and related services. Bidders should submit a valid and renewed business license, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and VAT registration certificates.

2. Bidding Process:

Bidding will be conducted on a competitive basis and is open to all eligible bidders who express interest in participating.

3. Bid Documents:

A complete set of bidding documents can be obtained from the Procurement and Property Administration office located at Churchill Road, Tewodros Square, Hibret Insurance Headquarters Building, 9th Floor.

Interested and eligible bidders must submit both technical and financial proposals in sealed separate envelopes, including an electronic copy of the technical proposal on CD.

4. Submission Details:

  • Bidders must submit one original and one copy of their technical and financial proposals.
  • All envelopes must be sealed and clearly marked as “Bid for Digital Media Management Services for Hibret Insurance” and must include the full contact details of the bidder.

5. Bid Submission Deadline:

All proposals must be submitted to the address provided above by 06 January 2025 (until 10:00 am). The technical proposals will be opened on the same day at 10:30 am at the same location in the presence of bidders or their representatives who wish to attend. Late submissions will not be accepted.

6. Bid Security:

The bid must be accompanied by a bid security of Birr 50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Birr) in the form of a CPO (Cash Payment Order), Bank Guarantee, or Bid Bond.

7. Additional Information:

For any further inquiries, bidders may contact the Procurement and Property Administration office at +251 111 263434, Ext. 190 before the closing date of the bid.

8. Right to Reject:

Hibret Insurance reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, in part or in full.

Hibret Insurance
Churchill Road, Tewodros Square, 9th Floor
Telephone: +251 111 263434, Ext. 190
Website: www.

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