The U.S. Government Amplifies Leadership of Persons with Disabilities

The United States Government, through its Agency for International Development (USAID), launched a two-day event on December 17, 2024, celebrating the leadership of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia. The event, “Amplifying the Leadership of Persons with Disabilities for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future,” marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and highlighted the achievements of USAID’s Promoting Rights and Inclusion for Disability Empowerment (PRIDE) Activity.

The event featured a range of activities, including artistic performances, interactive displays, a gallery walk, documentary screenings, and panel discussions. These activities showcased the success stories of individuals who have benefited from economic empowerment through the PRIDE Activity. By highlighting the leadership potential of persons with disabilities, the event promoted a more inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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