Space science, Geospatial Efforts Contributing Its Fair Share in Driving Ethiopia’s Growth

Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla underscored that Ethiopia’s ongoing endeavors in the spheres of space science and geospatial have been contributing to the growth of the national economy.

Senior leaders of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and other relevant institutions visited the Space Science and Geospatial Institute (SSG) and the Entoto Observatory Center today.

Currently, Ethiopia has beenleadinginspace endeavors in the Horn of Africa by building an astronomical observatory and creating a fully-fledged national space agency.

Through its own space programs, the East African nation is employing the programs to accelerate development in various sectors such as in agriculture, industries, and health, it was indicated.

Following the visit, Minister Belete stressed the need for Ethiopia exploiting all its capabilities to develop and utilize technology, adding that that would create opportunities for the country to use and control resources not only on Earth but also in space in the future.

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