Saturday, February 15, 2025

Chinese and African companies meet at B2B ‘match-making’ event, facilitated by ITC

More than 70 African and 80 Chinese companies met at a B2B Match-Making Event in Hangzhou, China on 25 – 27 April 2018 to explore and expand upon business and investment partnerships in the agro-processing and light manufacturing sectors. The event was organised under the auspices of Partnership and Investment for Growth in Africa (PIGA) a multi-lateral project consisting of the Chinese government, the UK Department for International Development (DfID), the four African nations of Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Zambia and the International Trade Center (ITC) based in Geneva.
Companies participating in this B2B ‘match-making’ event took the opportunity to meet with new business partners, explore new areas of cooperation and attend the plenary and practical sessions of the event. An estimated 450 to 500 one-on-one meetings took place. In addition to the 376 pre-arranged meetings approximately 100 on the spot bilateral meetings were arranged. 17 Ethiopian companies took part in the event and had discussions with Chinese companies that generated 24 leads for investment partnerships.
PIGA’s goal is to increase exports, jobs and local development through foreign investments and business partnerships in agro-processing and light manufacturing sectors in the four African countries.

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