Name: Emebet Tadesse
Education: Degree in Business Management
Company name: Wendmeneh Tadesse Farm
Title: Owner
Founded in: 2014
What it does: Produce and distribute pasteurized milk and yoghurt, honey produce and gardening
HQ: Addis Ababa around Megenagna 24
Number of employees: 7
Startup Capital: 20,000 birr
Current Capital: Growing
Reasons for starting the business: Family business
Biggest perk of ownership: Being my own boss
Biggest strength: Loving the business
Biggest challenging: Price hike of feeds and finding workers
Plan: To modernize and make the industry bigger, start producing Bio Gas
First career: Storekeeper
Most interested in meeting: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed
Most admired person: My family
Stress reducer: Listening to holy songs
Favourite past time: Planting
Favourite book: Reading religious books
Favourite destination: Places with greenery
Favourite automobile: Pick-ups