Sunday, February 9, 2025


War is not something that is waged on the spur of the moment. It requires advanced planning & thorough preparations. Arsenals must be made, soldiers must be marshaled (rather permanently) into adoring violence (whatever the pretexts) and the system’s institutions must continuously indoctrinate/mobilize the populous about the inevitability of war. As far as the prevailing world system is concerned, war should be regarded as second nature to humans. Questioning the merit of this war craze (within the logic of the world system) invites ridicule (if not more) and makes the critique futile and the critic naïve.

To add insult to injury, modern warfare between major contenders are hardly winnable. At the same time conflagrations can easily impact bystanders, including the life support systems of our precarious planet. Once unleashed, ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ (WMD) and their debris will not be contained. Even the so–called peaceful use of nuclear power is not peaceful to life, the useless narrative of entrenched interests notwithstanding. From the look of things, we can say this is only the tip of the nuclear iceberg!

Why are we continuously preparing for wars, instead of peace? Why do we allow psychopathic interests to utterly dominate our collective social existence? Who actually benefits from this continuous waging of wars? Why shouldn’t humanity bypass the warmongers and their sick institutions and try to deal with the destructive issue of war directly and from the point of view of sanity? As we always say, the very attempt to answer such questions is tantamount to answering them, in the scheme of this rigged world. Nonetheless, what distills and clearly comes out of such inquiries is that the world system has gone insanely senile. We believe it is only concerted and determined efforts by the sheeple that can arrest the destructive activities of the prevailing world system.

Fanning phony nationalism, religious dogmas, etc. for the purpose implementing destructive projects must be continuously exposed for what they are, before it is too late. People must get together, outside of their confining nation-states set up, and start taking actions on the ground.

Overly exploiting nature beyond the capacity to replenish itself, is another form of violence the world system wages on planet earth and its precarious life support systems. So long as the short-term interests of the ruling entities is secured, the system doesn’t care about long-term damage that will accrue due to its anti-life behavior. For instance, in our world system, the sheeple is encouraged to consume as if there is no tomorrow, whether it can afford it or not (and we don’t only mean financially.) All across the world people are encouraged to live only for today/themselves, with the implied assumption that posterity doesn’t matter. Obviously; fresh water, topsoil, the air we breathe, etc., etc. are priceless! But the modern world system, which is obsessed with only the commodification of life, doesn’t even have an accounting system that can value such things without referring to the prevailing useless monetary values, which of course are concocted, literally out of thin air. In this system, what is important is; not the inherent importance of things/resources (use value), but rather their mercantilist imports (exchange values.) The irrationality of it all!

On top of the above, we are also using high tech to instigate and perpetuate violence of various intensities over all humanity. The sanctity of private life is no more prized and honored.

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