Saturday, February 8, 2025

Dodai sets new standards for electric mobility

Dodai, a pioneering Ethiopian electric mobility startup, conducted a historic launch ceremony, marking a watershed moment in the country’s transport sector. The ceremony was attended by renowned guests such as His Excellency Melaku Alebel, Minister of Industry, His. Excellency. Mr. SHIBATA Hironori, Ambassador-Designate of Japan to Ethiopia, and other dignitaries.

The highly anticipated launch ceremony demonstrated Dodai’s dedication to changing the way Ethiopians travel while also encouraging sustainability and environmental awareness. Dodai’s unique electric mobility solutions seek to address significant urban transportation issues such as congestion, pollution, and reliance on fossil fuels.

Today’s special event is evidence of a catchment basin moment for Ethiopia, clearing the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future, beginning with E-motorbikes in Addis Ababa.  During the event, Dodai presented its cutting-edge electric motorcycles models, each meticulously developed to meet the unique requirements of Ethiopian commuters and enterprises. The featured motorcycles proved the company’s commitment to great performance, dependability, and affordability, resulting in a smooth and joyful travel experience for all.

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