New BASIC index evaluates AU Member States’ commitment

By our staff reporter

A groundbreaking report titled the Basic Index of State Commitment to the African Union (BASIC Index) has been launched, assessing the dedication of AU member states to their regional body. This inaugural edition evaluates member states across five key indicators: ratification of AU treaties, timely financial contributions to the AU’s regular budget, hosting of AU bodies, participation in AU summits, and visa openness.

Developed by Integrate Africa Advisory Services and Africa First Advisory, the BASIC Index aims to provide a transparent and data-driven assessment of each member state’s engagement with the AU. The report highlights significant variations in commitment levels among countries, with Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, The Gambia, and Tanzania ranking highest due to their strong performance across multiple indicators.

In contrast, countries such as the Central African Republic, Guinea, and Somalia rank among the lowest, reflecting challenges in fulfilling their obligations. The index encourages self-assessment among member states, providing insights into areas for improvement while recognizing notable contributions.

The BASIC Index is particularly timely as the AU seeks to address pressing continental challenges. By evaluating member states’ commitments, the index aims to foster a culture of accountability and cooperation that enhances the AU’s impact on regional integration and development.

The findings from this report serve as a valuable resource for decision-makers within the AU and beyond, highlighting both achievements and gaps in commitment. As the AU continues to navigate complex issues facing the continent, the BASIC Index stands as a crucial tool for promoting deeper collaboration among member states and advancing collective goals for a united Africa.

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