Initiative Africa announced that the preparation of organizing the 12th Edition of Addis International Film Festival (AIFF) is underway. The 2018 edition of AIFF will take place from May 1 – 6, 2018 at the Italian Cultural Institute and Hager Fiker Theater in Addis Ababa, and the university campuses of Adama, Hawassa, Bahir Dar and Mekele.
Organized by Initiative Africa, this year, the theme of the Festival is ‘Migration, Displacement and Climate Change’ and will be joined by several international film professional guests. Although the scope remains Migration and Displacement, the 2018 Edition will also screen films outside the core theme.
The documentaries, which will be screened this year around the above thematic area, aim to contribute to humanitarian efforts that enhance the protection of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons. Through the screening of relevant documentaries on the issues and the convening of discussions among experts and practitioners, the Addis International Film Festival (AIFF) is focused on addressing the key drivers of vulnerability among migrants and displaced persons, and foster a space for citizens to engage in exchange about challenges and dilemmas relating to sustainable humanitarian responses to migration and displacement.
This year AIFF expects to screen over 60 documentary films from around the world to over 7,000 attendees. Festival participants are mostly young professionals, university students, and members of the international community.
This year, AIFF invites young and women filmmakers to vie for two very exciting awards: ‘Young Filmmaker of the Year Award’ and ‘Woman Filmmaker of the Year Award’.
As in the past the 12th Edition of AIFF is accepting short (up to 30 minutes long) and feature (over 50 minutes long) documentary film submissions until March 15, 2018.
Since its inception in 2007, Addis International Film Festival has grown in scope and size from drawing less than 500 people, 9 films and one venue in its first year to over 7,000 attendants, 60 films and three venues last year. Overall, the Festival has screened over 630 films and attracted over 39k participants over the past 11 years.
The Festival expects to draw up to 10,000 attendants to its three venues and screen 70 short and feature local and international documentary films.
Addis International Film Festival now accepting short and feature documentary film submissions
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