Tuesday, February 18, 2025

First International Dialogue on Migration of 2018 underway in New York: IOM

The first International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) of 2018 – IOM, the UN Migration Agency’s major forum for policy dialogue – is currently underway. The first of the two dialogues to be held this year, this week’s discussions are focusing on partnership and taking place at United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York.
“The IDM was established some 17 years ago to be a very large and welcoming meeting place, where our Member States can interact directly and openly with other relevant actors on migration governance, exchange views, and promote understanding of migration dynamics,” said IOM Director General, Ambassador William Lacy Swing, in his opening remarks.
Noting the timely focus of this year’s IDM on inclusive and innovative partnerships for effective global governance of migration, Ambassador Swing stated that the first-ever Global Compact for Migration “deserves close, concerted action from the international community as a whole to ensure successful review implementation and follow-up.”
Louise Arbour, the United Nations Special Representative for International Migration added, “The Secretary-General’s Report Making Migration Work for All called for the Global Compact to provide a positive agenda that would focus on helping migrants fulfil their potential, promote regular migration and address effectively the challenges of irregular migration.”
Among the participants of IDM are national and local governments; multiple ministries; civil society; the private sector, migrant and diaspora organizations; academia; the media; and others. Discussions explored different partnership models that exist in the field of migration and showcase their value by presenting some of the migration management tools developed through cooperation among different actors.

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