Friday, February 7, 2025

Ministry assessing ways to conduct national exams

Ministry of Education is assessing options to give the National University Entrance Exam of grade 12 and grade eight examinations.
According to sources the Ministry is overseeing two different options to give the exams to the students.
According to sources one of the options is developing a web system to which it gives specific time to do one question and the second option is a virtual one with a camera system.
Although the ministry was planning to start classes if the current situation gets to normal it has been three months since the government orders to close about 45,000 schools all over the country.
On 16 March Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced that schools and universities would halt classes for two weeks. On 17 March the Minister of Science and Higher Education gave further directions on how universities should act. For many, it was not an easy order to follow since little preparation had been made by institutions towards this end. However, the decision was applauded by the public, while the duration of school closures remains uncertain.
Despite this most of the schools are trying to reach their students through different mechanisms and continue the teaching learning process including virtual classrooms supported by social networks. Also the Ministry of Education is using public television stations to provide courses for students of all ages as well as training to teachers.
Despite one of the challenge in the country accessing internet is an enormous challenge. The Ministry has started to screen those who are not available for both options so that they can take the exam in schools with social distancing to control the spreading of the virus.
A month ago Addis Ababa city education bureau has give model examination for grade eight students through telegram.
At the beginning of the current academic year the Ministry was planning to conduct the national entrance exam from June 1 up to June 3.
In related story the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has mandate universities to continue courses of post graduate student and complete their programs as pre the scheduled tabled at the beginning of the academic year through digital platforms. At the end of the year the Ministry also planned extraordinary thesis defense and graduation ceremony that will be conducted using different virtual methods.
Universities are giving course materials for all the first year and above students to help them continue their study in their house.

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