Monday, February 10, 2025

AFD, MoF to launch a social impact project

A 15 million Euros grant agreement has been signed on November 16, 2020 between the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the French Development Agency (AFD), in the presence of Remi MARECHAUX, Ambassador of France in Ethiopia and to the African Union. This grant contributes to the Second Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Program (UWSSPII), financed by the World Bank, which is conceived to support the Ethiopian government’s efforts to fight against open-air defecation, to develop “safely managed” sanitation services and to improve existing water supply services in Addis Ababa and 22 secondary cities.
The program should benefit approximately 3.9 million inhabitants. AFD’s grant will specifically finance direct access to safe sanitation services and improved hygiene practices for Ethiopian citizens in selected urban areas amongst the beneficiary secondary cities.
In a country exhibiting an elevated demographic and urban growth, water and sanitation issues are at the heart of national priorities for health, social and environmental reasons.

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