The Ministry of Revenue announced it has collected more than 107 billion birr in the first four months of the current fiscal year 2020/21.
From domestic tax, foreign trade tax and lottery sales in the first four month collected amounts totaling, 75 billion, 36.4 billion and 83.7 million birr respectively bringing the subtotal to about 107.6 billion birr. Overall, the performance is 103 percent of the initial projected plan and an increase of 19 percent or 17 billion birr in comparison to the same period last year.

The Ministry attributed the improved performance in securing revenues to the high caliber of workers at the Ministry, a positive relationship between the leadership and employees, as well as an improved culture among taxpayers on willingness to come forward to pay their taxes.
Smuggling and contraband control are one of the activities carried out to enforce the law. Revenue as a result of controlling smuggling is one of the main sources of revenue that in this fiscal quarter year amounted to 1.08 billion birr from federal and state security forces. This registered 121.8 percent of the initial projected plan and resulted to a 252.8 million Birr increase as compared to the same period last year. Moreover, the Customs Commission was able to attain 11.7 billon birr, through other revenue outlets.
On briefing the performance to journalist on Wednesday, Laqe Ayalew the Minister of Revenue, he said that more than 3.9 billion birr has been transferred to the states in the past four months, according to the House of Federation.
“Goodwill of tax payers, committed leadership, improved tax collecting system, strong follow up and support, and enhanced rule of law upholding capacity have contributed to the achievement,” he added.
“During the first four months of the program, additional branches were opened not only in terms of the amount of money paid by the taxpayers, but also in terms of additional requirements and there has been taxpayers’ recognition as well,” he expounded.
Recognizing trustworthy tax payers and taking strict measures against fraudsters have played a significant role in obtaining the result, Laqe noted. The Ministry said around 2625 new businesses started to pay taxes during this period.
However, much is left to be done in the remaining 8 months to secure the planned 290 billion Birr and hopefully surpass it.
The Minister lauded the selfless commitment of the employees in the 124 branches across the country and members of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, Federal Police, and regional security forces in combating contraband.
The overall performance shows that the ministry is on target to achieve its plan to garner 290 billion birr revenue in the current 2020/2021 fiscal year.