Bright Future in Agriculture has held its ‘Annual Review and Planning Event’ in the premises of Radisson blu Hotel starting from 26 to 27 January 2022.
The event enjoyed a high turnout, which included all of the relevant stakeholders from TVET colleges, partners and consortium members, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, international organizations and the private sector.
‘A wide range of capacity building activities have been carried out by Bright Future in Agriculture for agricultural TVETs. These efforts include the provision of a wide range of trainings and the identification of points for improvement,” said Solomon Mogus, Project Manager for Bright Future in Agriculture.
Bright Future in Agriculture is a three-year project (2019– 2021) that supports the Ethiopian agricultural technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and is managed by Nuffic as part of the Orange Knowledge Programme.
There are in total 12 beneficiary institutions in Ethiopia out of which the Federal TVET Institute and Arba Minch University are the lead partners. Maastricht School of Management from the Netherlands is the lead implementer and together with 8 consortium member institutions from the Netherlands, Ethiopia and South Africa partake as providers.