Name: Becam Yohannes
Education: BA Degree
Company name: Hot coffee and foods
Title: Owner
Founded in: 2019
What it does: Serves coffee and meals
HQ: around Bole Medhanialem
Number of employees: 7
Startup Capital: 300,000 birr
Current Capital: 500,000 birr
Reasons for starting the business: My passion to work and modernize the sector
Biggest perk of ownership: Quality and speed
Biggest strength: Hospitality
Biggest challenging: Finding quality materials
Plan: To build big quality and classic restaurant
First career: Public health researcher
Most interested in meeting: Prime minister Abiy Ahmed
Most admired person: Tsedey Asrat, owner of Kaldi’s coffee
Stress reducer: Long walk
Favourite past time: Time with my child
Favourite book: 100 Documents That Change The World
Favourite destination: West Wolega
Favourite automobile: Tesla