Essayas Jirra elected EFF President in a land slide vote ahead of Amara heavyweight representative Melaku Fenta. The Executive body that comprised of three Women and six men named Dagnachew Negera of Amhara to vice presidency.
With a midweek news sensation of foul play among the three candidates, speculation was high that a close election would take place. But it turned out to be a one horse race with the incumbent president dominating the circus at the final count Essayas Jirra elected President for his second term in office securing a staggering 94 votes while the much talked about Amhara representative Melaku Fenta stood far second collecting just 27 votes while little known guy from Diredawa Tokichaw Alemayehu bagging 14 votes.
The Ethiopian Football highest governing body, the National General Assembly also elected a nine members cabinet having three women for the first time in the federation’s history.
Habiba Siraj from Addis Ababa, Faiza Reshad from Somali region and Bezuayehu Jemberu from Diredawa were voted in to the cabinet collecting 101, 65 and 63 votes respectively.
Murad Abdi, Sherefa Delech, Addisu Kamiso, Dagnachew Negera, Ujulu Aday Gnubri and Asere Ibrahim are named members of the cabinet that is to serve Ethiopian Football Federation for the coming four years. The cabinet members unanimously named Dagnachew Negera to the vice presidency chair vacated by Abebe Gelagay who replaced the former rebel turned Colonel Awol Abdurakim considered to be in hiding since the TPLF declared war against Ethiopian government since two years from the coming October
Vice president for the past eight years Abebe Gelagay from Diredawa, Technical head from Amhara Sewenet Bishaw, Afar golden boy Alimirah Mohamed and Yosef Tesfaye of Addis Ababa are major personalities that packed home after serving two terms.
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