Saturday, November 2, 2024

Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals Ref. EURIKA/CFP/02/2023


‘Eurika’ Yebego Adragot Dirigit is a local non-governmental organization registered with the Ethiopian Agency for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) under certificate No. 4377. Our social purpose is to pursue any action seeking a sustainable progress of children’s rights & well-being through humanitarian and development projects.

Our new intervention, entitled ‘ResPreP’ (Comprehensive SGBV Response, Prevention & Preparedness Action in Conflict-Affected Areas of the Amhara Region), is funded by UN Women, the Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund coordinator, and notably seeks to empower women’s associations (WAs) in the targeted North Shewa zone.

As a key activity of ResPreP’s preparedness component and to tackle malnutrition among WAs’ members, particular attention will be given to food production through ‘permagardening’, i.e. recurring to agro-ecological practices such as composting, raised vegetable beds, companion planting and intercropping in backyard settings.

We therefore invite legally-constituted, qualified organizations to submit their bids to provide a training of trainers (ToT) on essential, low effort and low input permaculture techniques to meet the above purpose – upon satisfactory completion of services, the training provider may be awarded a framework agreement for a 2-year period.

The training will target a maximum of 25 members of WAs, most of whom are female farmers, and entail the following: 1/ designing a simple curriculum; 2/ delivering the initial training to the targeted participants (for 3 days); 3/ establishing demonstration sites in two agro-ecological zones; 4/ coaching on backyard gardening projects; 5/ conducting the ToT (for 3 more days); 6/ controlling the ToT cascading at WA level; and 7/ drafting a brief report on the completed tasks, challenges and ways forward.

Proposals must include: a) a detailed methodology to complete the above tasks; b) a workplan / schedule for each step; c) credentials / proven relevant experience; d) trade / business license, VAT & TIN registration certificates and recent tax clearance; f) valid certification in permaculture design of at least level II (trainer accreditation); g) a CV of all proposed trainers; and h) a price quotation showing the daily rate per trainer, the number of days per task and any required allowance or reimbursable.

As our team is now located outside of Addis Ababa, the bids may only be submitted by email, to: Although the training will be delivered in Amharic, the bids should be drafted in English language; they should be signed and stamped (by an authorised officer), then submitted in PDF format. The evaluation process will encompass reviewing a set of compliance, as well as technical & financial criteria.

The deadline for submission is 10 calendar days from the date of advertisement, with selection the following week. Please note that Eurika reserves the right to reject all or part of any bid. Only short-listed organizations may be contacted for negotiation or to enter into a firm contract. The following must be included in the email subject line: Call for Proposals Ref. EURIKA/CFP/02/2023 – Provision of ToT on Permaculture Design.

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