The 400 million birr, G+10 Diamond Hotel near Fantu Supermarket is set to open this May.
The 600sqm facility will have 50 rooms, including a presidential suite. The Hotel, which was a six year work in progress that was designed by Turkish engineers, is expected to employ 100 people. With two restaurants, a bar, gym, meeting rooms for 200 people, and 50 car parking Diamond is expected to be a four star hotel, according to the General Manager, Getahun Desalegn.
“All day, guests can enjoy a restaurant serving international and local cuisine, or a steak house that will calm any carnivorous craving. For a relaxing drink, guests have a choice between the stylish lobby café, a bar, business class lounge or pool terrace. Its strategic location is close to the Bole Airport, many embassies and international organizations.”
Even though the hotel will serve international cuisine there will be something for everyone.
“Our main target to give many options to our customers and we won’t forget our traditional foods. We will also offer many international drinks and liquors, he said.
In the past five years, on average one hotel has been built every month. Twenty years ago there were less than 10 standard hotels. Now there are over 160 hotels and many more international and brand hotels are in the pipeline.
Diamond Hotel opens in Bole
Ethiopia will be represented at Robotics Olympiad in the US
Iken Ethiopia Robotics education and competition center was founded in 2011. The institute is a unique platform at promoting and strengthening the development of analytical and problem solving skills in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
Robotics deals with a branch of technology that helps students to show their own design, engineering and programming skills. Realizing the importance, of hands-on activities for effective science education, by giving the platform for children to utilize their imagination and curiosity and get them to think out of the box
iken Ethiopia robotics education and competition center’s focus on robotics is significant, Robotics education is a great tool for STEM learning. One of the ways students will develop creativity and scientific thinking is through robotics education, because it helps students understand science technology engineering and math in a better way, students should learn by applying scientific principles to real life situations.
iken Ethiopia robotics education and competition center realizes Robotics training is Effective way of introducing programming to students & the importance working hard on STEM fields through robotics by arranging several competitions for students that can channel competitive instincts in a positive way and help students understand Science Technology Engineering and Math by providing them Educational robots.
The 2018 robotics national final competition winners are the result of this education and competition. They are now qualified to participate in the 2018 VEX robotics competition in USA Louisville Kentucky. A group of students Known as Team Ethiopia will participate in this world stage robotics competition representing their country. Hence, this will create great opportunity for the participating students to share educational and cultural experience with other participants from round the world. Indeed they can also contribute in promoting the good image of their country at world stage.
Art, culture as economic assets
Arts and culture are important to national economies. Arts and culture-related industries, also known as “creative industries,”provide direct economic benefits to countries and communities. They create jobs, attract investments, generate tax revenues, and stimulate local economies through tourism and consumer purchases.
These industries also provide an array of other benefits, such as infusing other industries with creative insight for their products and services and preparing workers to participate in the contemporary workforce. In addition, because they enhance quality of life, the arts and culture are an important complement to community development, enriching local amenities and attracting young professionals to an area.
Governments increasingly recognize the importance of the creative sector to their states’economy and ability to compete in the global marketplace. A number of factors underscore the connection between economic competitiveness and creativity. For example, in the current global economy, creative and new media industries are growing in number and playing increasingly prominent economic and social roles. Companies’decisions about where to locate their businesses often are influenced by factors such as the ready availability of a creative workforce and the quality of life available to employees.
Arts and culture can play a major role in community development and redevelopment by creating new jobs as well as fostering an environment and amenities that attract talented young workers. Tourism centered on arts and culture can contribute to national economic growth by providing a diversified and sustainable means for creating jobs and attracting revenue.
In this environment, a country’s arts and cultural resources can be economic assets. The arts and cultural industries provide jobs, attract investments, and stimulate local economies through tourism, consumer purchases, and tax revenue. Perhaps more significantly, they also prepare workers to participate in the contemporary workforce, create communities with high appeal to residents, businesses, and tourists, and contribute to the economic success of other sectors.
Countries define their creative economies in a variety of ways, depending on the composition and character of businesses, nonprofits, individuals, and venues that exist in any given areas. The creative economy may include human, organizational, and physical assets. It also includes many types of cultural institutions, artistic disciplines, and business pursuits.
Industries that comprise the arts and culture sector may include advertising, architecture, the art and antiques market, crafts, design, fashion, film, digital media, television, radio, music, software and computer games, the performing arts, publishing, graphic arts, and cultural tourism.
From the work of nonprofit arts agencies to the impact of cultural tourism, it is clear that the creative sector is important to state economies all across the country. The creative industry in Arkansas, the United States for example, employs nearly 27,000 individuals and generates USD 927 million in personal income for Arkansas citizens in 2016. Creative enterprises are the state’s third largest employer after transport and logistics and perishable and processed foods.
In the state of North Carolina, the wages and income of workers employed by creative industries infused USD 3.9 billion into the state’s economy in 2016. And in Massachusetts state, the 17.6 percent yearly growth of the cultural sector contributed USD 4.23 billion to the state’s economy.
To help their countries realize the full potential and economic benefits of the arts and culture sector, governments must identify the pivotal creative industries or clusters in the state. Then, they can adopt strategies that support and strengthen these industries. These include offering incentives targeted at the arts and culture sectors as well as development initiatives, entrepreneurial training, marketing programs, or public-private collaborations to encourage growth and invest in specific creative clusters.
In the United States state of Michigan, for example, has enacted a comprehensive incentive program, which includes tax credits, designed to entice film projects to locate in the state. The state of Kentucky offers a “Craft Marketing Program” that provides business and product development services to participating artists and helps market their work both inside and outside the state.
In addition, some states are encouraging collaborations between artists, designers, and product engineers in a variety of manufacturing and high-tech industries. In California, for example, the University of California Santa Cruz has partnered with local industry and the city of Santa Cruz to establish the “Santa Cruz Design Innovation Center”. The center’s goal is to leverage local design talent to grow design-based business and attract new businesses to the area. Such collaborations stimulate new thinking, encourage new product development, and make the most of a state’s collective creative and business resources.
The creative industries offer numerous benefits to national economies, and countries have an opportunity to both improve livability and boost national economies by investing in the arts and culture.