Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Upstart group selected for Employers’ Confederation

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA), tasked with ruling on the appropriate employers’ confederation, decided to award it to a new group composed of five federations. The group will be made up of the federations of Hotel, Small and Medium Enterprises, Water and Sewerage service providers and the Amhara and Addis Ababa Employers’ Federations. They brought documents to MoLSA to register as an Ethiopian Employers’ Confederation. MoLSA conducted a thorough investigation into the structure, management and bi-laws of both parties before awarding the certificate to the new group. The letter signed by Hirut Wolde Mariam (Dr.) indicated that the new group was awarded the certificate based on the proclamation of the Executive Bodies Duties and Responsibilities and the proclamation of employers and employees (2004). Feteh Woldesenbet who is the Vice President of the newly certified Ethiopian Employers’ Confederation told Capital that the ministry gave the right verdict to the right group. “Now that we are accredited, our next step is to help both workers and employers and our country as a whole,” he said.
The Employers’ Confederation will be expected to foster a working relationship with the trade unions and promote joint representation of government in areas of mutual concern in the Labor Market. Decisions and functions will be exercised through consultation with the membership. The members are represented at the federation and the confederation will be responsible for formulating policy, approving the budget and electing the members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, led by a president, oversees the implementation of policy and considers other issues as they arise. The confederation membership includes employers in the private and public sectors – including state Coops, the local authorities and employers’ associations. It will provide a forum for employers to promote sound industrial relations and observance of fair labor practices. It will also advocate, endorse, and defend the interests of employers. In addition it will support good management practices and develop sustainable institutional capacity and competence among its members.

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