Monday, February 17, 2025

Ethiopian Super League’s Time Crunch

The rainy season is getting stronger, yet the Super League fixtures are just past half way, speculations are flying that the championship might be postponed to next year. However, most of the footballers’ contracts are to be terminated at the end of this month and the annual budget closing is underway.
Though the rainy season started earlier and the down pours are getting momentum, June is critical in the Ethiopian calendar for it is the annual budget closing as well contract termination month. Ten matches means at least another two months which the federation is in no position to enjoy those eight weeks for the heavy rain turns the green pitches in to mud filled ditches. Let alone postponement of the season, the two month extension means huge financial and administration setbacks for clubs and players especially on those teams that aspired and worked hard to earn promotion.
Super League group “B” leaders Baherdar needs to raise additional finance to cover the running cost for the extended season as well to sit and negotiate with the footballers whose contract to comes to an end this month. It is business as usual thus the club is under pressure to comply with the demand of the players’. Does Baherdar have any option rather than going for it and trying to achieve its dream? The new administration needs to find a way to bring all stake holders and discuss a way out from the nightmare of postponement of the season. Early cries of foul are already underway therefore the federation better fasten its belt in good time to tackle potential problems.

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