Ethiopian Football Federation’s newly elected President Issayas Jirra ended a sitting duck for the abuse and humiliation from Saint George supporters during the season’s closing fixture on Monday at Addis Ababa Stadium. The defending champions won the day 2 nil but Jimma AbaJifar won the title in goal differences hammering in nearly half a dozen goals against visitors Adama
Just less than two months since assuming the Presidency, Saint George supporters that have no one but Issayas to turn their frustration to, called names, and performed shocking abuses as well as throwing items in to the tribune. With the opposition magnitude getting stronger the President slipped out early but only to stay in office for three hours before going home under protection.
Though the incident is nothing less than a show case to show the magnitude of hooliganism at its peak, it is also the sheer legacy of former EFF President Juneidin Basha and his cabinet that left office (half of them still members of the current EO) in total chaos.
The extension of the season is very boring to fans courtesy of Ato Abebe Gelagay: the then Organizing Committee head, the corrupt referees thanks to the Referee Committee chairman Lulseged Alemayehu, the tasteless competition handiwork of Technical head Zerihun Kekebo and the others, the season was so frustrating football fans could have gone even further. But all this abhorrence against a President elected just in the final stage of the season is unfair and totally unacceptable among football fans.
What is amazing above all is the existence of those sinners: Abebe Gelagay, Zerihun Kekebo, Alimirah Abdulahi and the member of the newly elected executive body. These very people are accused of being major actors in the worst ever EFF executive body yet here they are for a second chance. God knows where to they are to lead the already in death bed Ethiopian Football.
But Issayas did not go to Jimma to watch his former team AbaJifar rather he appeared at Addis Ababa Stadium to honor Saint George while sending Vice President Colonel Awol to Jimma. He could do nothing better than that and hardly to be responsible either for Saint George’s title loss or AbaJifar’s gain. A saddening and frustrating experience for Issayas but also a showcase to how much the administration is in need of overhauling not a simple task. He has the mantel for the rebirth of Ethiopian Football and it all starts from here.
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