Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Defense Ministry grants amnesty for military members

The Ministry of Defense said it has granted amnesty for members of the military charged with breaching of military discipline.
Military members who defected were also included in the amnesty, according to Brigadier General Kidu Alemu, Ministry’s Justice Directorate Director.
Members of the defense force were working for the success of the reforms began by the government at a national level.
As per the amnesty law passed by the Parliament recently, the Ministry of Defense has granted amnesty for members of the military imprisoned for violating military discipline and those who defected in the past, he said.
In order to get amnesty, those eligible for the amnesty should apply in person or filling application forms at offices arranged by the Ministry, the director said.
Those who live in Addis Ababa and its environs can report to the Ministry’s justice directorate office located at around Bela area in Addis Ababa.
Those who live outside of Addis Ababa can report to offices opened in their respective areas, districts and zones, he said.
Registration has already been started in Addis Ababa yesterday and those who live in regional state are expected to report within six months beginning from August 7, 2018.

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