Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Addis volunteers bring “New Formula for a New Hope”

The Addis Ababa City Administration has launched a New Year Campaign with the motto: “Ye-Adiss Tesfa Kemer”, which means a New Formula for New Hope. It will integrate artists, public figures and young volunteers who want to serve others.
During a press conference held at Capital Hotel last week the deputy mayor, Dagmawit Moges, launched the campaign to help the poor, elderly and children. Around 114 houses are selected by the summer volunteers to be furnished by the new team. Others will clean the  dirtiest areas of the city.
Refurbishing elderly residences will be used as symbols of voluntary work and a promotion of a strong working culture, according to Dagmawit. The artists and public figures will construct and refurbish the homes of elderly residents by themselves and items will be donated to help others in need.
“Even though there is a culture of refurnishing houses at the beginning of New Year in Ethiopia, some are even suffering for their survival. We want to show others how they can demonstrate love for their country,” said Dagmawit.
The campaign is also planning to give school uniforms to 30,000 students. They also plan to improve school nutrition programs.
The summer volunteers will differentiate more than 90 dirty places to be cleaned and transferred to the youth in the area or a sustainable clean city plan.
The campaign began with planting trees at the hills of Entoto Mariam on Saturday.
It was founded to enable the community to express the new hope and new spirit, according to the newly appointed culture and tourism bureau head of the city, Nebiyu Bayu.
“The campaign will be finalized on the eve of the New Year with a festival and there will be different mini-festivals in the Woreda level,” said Nebiyu.
Around 170 artistes met at Capital Hotel prior to the launching of the campaign.
“The details of the last festival will be disclosed soon,” Nebiyu concluded.

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