Name: Thomas Bayu
Education: BSC in Electrical Engineering
Company name: Miseso Software
Title: Co-founder and General Manager
Founded in: 2018
What it does: Develops Software and Mobile applications
HQ: Sheger Building around Urael
Number of employees: 12
Startup Capital: 20,000 birr
Current capital: Growing
Reason for starting the business: To contribute to our country
Biggest perk of ownership: Unlimited potential
Biggest strength: Not giving up, sticking to our plan
Biggest challenge: Financing
Plan: Being best in our industry
First career: Sales Engineer
Most interested in meeting: PM Abiy Ahmed (PhD)
Most admired person: My father
Stress reducer: Friendships
Favorite past-time: Being with my friends
Favorite book: Yelewt Guzo
Favorite destination: Harar
Favorite automobile: Range Rover