Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Five out of 16 Presidents appear at Inter Continental

Ethiopian Football Federation’s meeting for Premier League club Presidents to discuss matters over the issue of creating a League Committee turned out to be a frustrating situation because stakeholders failed to appear. Only five out of the 16 presidents appeared for the meeting that took place at Inter Continental Hotel on Tuesday.
At the conference led by EFF President Essayas Jirra and Vice-President Colonel Awol Abdulrakim , Gezahgne Wolde presented a 140 page Study paper which defines the process of League Committee creation and experiences of other football nations on how they tackled the issue so that they could form strong leagues. Lack of standards in club formations, government and political interferences in organizing competitions, dependency on government finance are among the big issues addressed at the conference.
Though the absence of the League Committee is long considered to be one of the biggest factors for the failure of Ethiopian football, the clubs appeared to be reluctant to realize this. “We are leaving the stage for the clubs to run their own shows and ready to provide them with an office. But it is discouraging to discuss such huge undertakings among personalities that are unwilling to decide on these matters,” EFF President Essayas said to the participants.
Ethiopia Bunna Board Chairman Lieutenant Fekade Mamo who admired the initiative taken by the federation suggested that further in-depth studies should come to the stage. This is because the reality on the ground shows lots of hurdles to pass through. The Premier League clubs are being asked to submit a list of club representatives for further deliberations.

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