Monday, February 10, 2025

Hossana; in pole position to Premier League promotion

Hadiya-Hossana’s return to the Premier League appears eminent following an impressive Super League first round result. Hadiya tops the eleven side Group “B” table five points clear of regional rival Arbaminch. Bishoftu-Automotive and Butajirra are likely to go down at the end of the season.
Sporting seven wins, three draws and a single defeat all through the first round, Coach Girma Tadesse has become the messiah leading Hossana back in to the dream top tier for the second time. Girma is among the Coaches famous for Super League promotion Mekonen G/Yohannes and Dereje Belay currently are with Addis Ababa Town and Wolkite Town respectively.
Seven wins, three draws and a single defeat all the way through the first round Hossana is in full command of group “B” with 24 points where as former Premier League side Arbaminch Town is second five points behind. Led by the league’s leading scorers’ Kenyan Eric Muranda of Hossana and Sentayehu Mengestu of Arbaminch each with six goals, promotion is highly speculated to be decided at the very final stage of the season. “It is up to Hossana to lose promotion for five points means a huge head start in an eleven match second round campaign” Mola Haregu remarked.
Though the two sides are considered serious contenders Selte-Worabe and Nekemt Town are trailing close behind second place Arbaminch. Five wins, three draws and three defeats Selte is third with 18 while Nekemt sits fourth two points behind. “Hosana and Arbaminch both have the experience as well the logistics to battle out the hard season,” a rival coach stated.

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