Sunday, January 26, 2025

Great Ethiopian Run launches “Running for a Cause”

Great Ethiopian Run in connection with the 2019 TOTAL Great Ethiopian Run launches its official fundraising campaign “Running for a Cause” and the official race slogan “Girls Deserve to be Equally Seen, Heard and Valued” at a Press Conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on October 3. It also launches registration for the Plan International Children Races which takes place at the eve of the main international event on the Saturday 16 November 2019.
Great Ethiopian Run international 10km race has been staged for the last 18 years with the aim of developing mass sport in Ethiopia, promoting messages and good causes, nurturing professional expertise in organizing mass races, promoting Ethiopia and sport tourism, creating a platform for young and upcoming athletes.
“Running for a Cause” started in 2005 as the official fundraising campaign to raise funds for vulnerable children, women and elderly. In the last 13 years Great Run have raised a total of 13.5 million birr and distributed it to over 30 charity organizations. Last year alone it raised 1.8 million birr and shared it to four beneficiary charities.
Registration for the Plan International Ethiopia Children races will start on Monday 7 October at Great Ethiopian Run office located on Bole road Alem building.

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