In addition to the nine agricultural commodities Niger Seed has been attracting the modern marketing system, as the 10th agricultural product.
The Ethiopia Commodity Exchange; branches which are ready to receive Niger seed are Addis Ababa, Saris, Bure, Nekemte, Gondar, Kombolcha, Assosa and Pawi. The addition of Nigger Seed in the modern trading system can help to reduce the illegal transactions, and foster the country’s export trade.
In another news, in the month of November 2019, trade at the ECX trading platforms had been conducted for 21 days during which 21,704 tons of coffee, 3,310 tons of white Pea bean, 29,300 tons of sesame, 1,083 tons of Soya Bean and 5,428 tons of Green Mung Beans have been transacted for a total of 2.8 billion birr. Coffee took a market lion’s share contributing 36% in trade volume and 50% in trade value.
During the month export coffee trade dominated the market by controlling market attention with 63 % of the volume the value, followed by Local and Specialty coffees in row. 13,557 tons of unwashed export coffee had been transacted for 862 million birr. Unwashed coffee origins, Illuababour shined with 29% of the volume of the category followed by Gimbi with 23% market share.
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