Thursday, January 23, 2025

UNESCO Green Citizens showcases grassroot projects

UNESCO launched the Green Citizens initiative to amplify the voice of some 100 local citizen projects worldwide in key domains of biodiversity and sustainable development, including the Ocean, Water/Hydrology, Education for sustainable development, Indigenous and local knowledge.

UNESCO has witnessed a great increase in the number and pertinence of local citizen projects over decades of scientific research in biodiversity, oceanography and hydrology, and conservation work in its protected sites around the world (Biosphere Reserves, Geoparks, natural World Heritage sites).

The Organization wishes to highlight and support local, innovative, duplicable citizen projects with a verifiable impact on their community and stimulate the dissemination of new change driving ideas worldwide.

The project reflects the conviction that changes in our relationship with living ecosystems will only be achieved by bringing together the complementary actions of the different actors at all levels and the reinforcement of networks of committed individuals and organizations. It is also a call on decision-makers to act quickly and a reminder that it is only together that we can make the change that is needed.

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