Friday, February 14, 2025

Unbeaten Violets on top of Women’s league

Six weeks into Ethiopian Women new season, HawasaKetema takes the driver’s seat a point clear of title favorite Ethiopia NegedBank. A hat trick against Diredawa and a quadruple over Arbaminch, Hawasa’s emerging goal hunter MesayTemesgen is leading the top scorers’ chart bagging eight goals.

Well it may not be surprising that the three time former champions posed clear favorite to their fourth crown for they are in command of the best of talents the country produced. First ever Ethiopian women international footballer LozaAberra, the country’s best dribbler Bertukan G/Kristos, team skipper RehimaZergaw, and four championship crown under her belt SenaietBogale are of the few to mention. Six wins out of six including the forfeit against Mekelakeya, “The Violets” are on top of the league table with 18 points.

But despite their short comings, SenafWakuma led Mekelakeya, newly emerging goal hunter MesayTemesegen inspired Hawassa Ketema, GedioDilla and Ethio-Electric are struggling to mount some bravado to upset NegedBank. Following players’ mass migration defending champion AdamaKetema is among the mid table sides struggling to stand upright.

Five wins and one draw Hawassa Ketema comes second with 16 points followed by Meseret Mane’s Ethio-Electric that lost two matches against Gedo and NegedBank to seat third with 12 points. Though the forfeit against NegedBank following the serious row among players over disallowed goal is yet on appeal, the Army side is currently fourth with thirteen points from six matches.

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