Saturday, January 18, 2025

DMC, Sinohydro pair for power expansion

Derba MIDROC Cement (DMC) and Sinohydro Construction Limited sign 330 million birr power expansion project construction that will allow the factory to double its production and get sustainable energy.
The agreement was signed to install the Chancho-Derba 132 KV Power Expansion Project.
The project will outlay at DMC’s headquarters about 70 km North West of Addis Ababa, while it is expected to be completed in 14 months time and supervised by the state-owned Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).
Upon the completion of the expansion project by the client, Sinohydro, a Chinese enterprise, DMC would launch construction of a newer production facility, production line 2 which is expected to have same capacity of production with the existing manufacturing plants production line 1, 5,600 clinker or 7,500 cement tons per day.
“DMC will commence the construction DMC Line 2, within the coming six months which has the same capacity like Line 1. Hence, the total production capacity of DMC will reach 11,200 ton per day of clinker and 15,000 ton of cement per day,” one of the leading cement manufacturer said.

According to the statement of DMC, the prime purpose of the project is to deliver to the existing cement plant, DMC Line 1, 47 MVA and to the new cement plant to be constructed DMC Line 2, 47MVA in total 94 MVA electric power.
On its statement the cement factory disclosed that in addition to acquiring 35 MW additional power , the new expansion would help DMC alleviate power fluctuation that is occurred due to diminished efficiency of transmission line and voltage drop of the 50 km long existing line that transport power all the way from Gefersa -Muger Electric Power Station..
The 25 km new power transmission line would be very effective owing to minimized old voltage drop and minimal workload as it would be connected with the Chancho sub-station of the national grid.
After signing the agreement, Haile Assigdie, DMC Group CEO, expressed his conviction that as Sinohydro is very experienced, it would complete the project on time and with the presumable quality.
The company has been involved on different power projects in Ethiopia for two decades including the Tekeze Hydroelectric Dam, roads and may more infrastructural projects.
The CEO also pledged his assistance in all spheres of cooperation to the client in its endeavor of realizing the projects.
Sinohydro Corporation Limited is a 60-year enterprise in power and infrastructure sectors and it has over 20 years of experience in Ethiopia.

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