Monday, January 20, 2025

False road carnage hoodwinks many on social media

The Addis Ababa Police Commission announced that the viral news circulating on social media regarding a gruesome city bus accident which was travelling passengers from Piassa to Ferensay Legasion to be completely false. The fake news insinuated that a 60-passanger bus crashed into a bridge claiming the lives of 39 passengers on Saturday, December 4, 2021.

The commission on its end disclosed that an incident did occur on Saturday, in Yeka Sub-City, Woreda 12 Health Center, however, the commuter bus that crashed had lost control as a result of a brake system failure which led it to collide with a concrete post. Luckily, all passengers did not incur any injuries except the driver who is being treated for minor injuries.

Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise, whose bus was being circulated on the media platforms, disclosed that the pictures were a fatal accident that occurred two years back.

In a bid to curb false rumors being spread like wildfire on social media, the Addis Ababa police have issued a warning to the false information spreaders citing that legal actions will be taken against the mis informants. Moreover, the general public have been urged not to be gullible when it comes to such misleading rumors.


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