Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Integrated Youth Activity – ‘Kefeta’ launched

Amref Health Africa and its consortium of partners announced the launch of a $60 million ‘Integrated Youth Activity’ – called ‘Kefeta’, an Amharic word means ‘to elevate’ – that creates economic and social opportunities for millions of young people in Ethiopia. Through financial assistance from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Kefeta aims to benefit at least two million young people from different walks of life in 18 urban cities, with a comprehensive approach to advancing youth’s economic, civic, and social development.
With youth between ages 15-29 accounting for 33.8% of the urban population, and another 32.8% of the population below the age of 15, Ethiopia is poised for a significant youth bulge. Readying the youth ecosystem to accommodate this growth and leverage on the demographic dividend is of paramount importance for the country’s socio-economic and political transformation.
In alignment with the Government of Ethiopia’s priorities, Kefeta will support young people in the target cities to strengthen their voices and agency and become a positive force for development in their country. This initiative complements the Government’s efforts to meet young people’s needs and ensure they have the capacity and ambition to contribute to a peaceful and prosperous future for Ethiopia.

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