Friday, December 6, 2024


Modern states/societies have developed quite a knack for effectively manipulating their sheeple, (human mass) without employing much coercion. If truth be told, modern societies are nothing more than dystopian constructs of the Huxley-ian genre (Adolf Huxley). On the other hand, traditional societies or what still remains of them, tend to stick to the visibly obvious, as they have less resources/tools (both physical & institutional) to pursue refined manipulative technics. As a result, truth/facts are/were upheld without much superficial consternation, unless of course religions or other metaphysical inclinations are/were let loose on the whole society.

At this point in history, it might be more appropriate to label the so-called traditional societies as mere transitional, as they are fixated in pursuing their ‘development’ trajectories based on the beaten track. In contrast to the industrially advanced countries of the West, those in serious transition are more eager to utilize coercion as opposed to subtle persuasion, to have their ways with their sheeple. In other words they are closer to the Orwellian dystopia than is the case in the West! Nonetheless, transitional societies are in a fix, so to speak. Figuring out (on their own) how to handle their existence vis-à-vis the collapsing biosphere, to say nothing about the accelerating demise of the modern world system, (in which they are situated) is overwhelming. Despite the prevailing superficial and cynical rhetoric of the global status quo, there is just no way to alleviate the protracted problems of transitional societies, without honestly appreciating their current and impending predicament within the existing global order. Unless these societies persistently pursue a more sustainable trajectory, outside of the ‘reigning box’, their future is doomed!

The task at hand, globally speaking, should be an overriding preoccupation to conceive and implement a more resilient green economy with a workable social order! Unfortunately, instead of entertaining a new global order that can potentially secure peace and stability; dominant interests have decided to become increasingly bellicose to all and sundry. As problems intensify, the tendency of dominant interests is usually to push the same old ‘growth paradigm’ as a panacea to all the myriad problems humanity. From climate change to nuclear weapons, from financial crisis to mass migration, etc. what is continuously suggested is not an open and honest discussion/debate about the potential solutions to what ails the world, but rather the propagation of lies, more lies and statistics, to use Twain’s description. In this whole callous calculus the sheeple is intentionally put to sleep, so to speak. ‘Scientific Indoctrination’ a la Edward Bernays is now a common feature of all states, strong or otherwise.

The dominant global media/Main Stream Media (MSM), as part and parcel of the ‘deep state’, is fully engaged in the on-going global indoctrination process. Be that as it may, recent findings seem to indicate the global sheeple is finally waking up from its long slumber. No wonder, the ‘deep state’ is deeply disturbed. (Deep state = military-intelligence-industrial-banking-media complex.) When the US President tells (in a round about ways) the obvious truth that the US government actually and regularly kills people (under various pretexts) in many countries, many an indoctrinated audience gets shocked, not because what was said is incorrect, but telling the truth in public has become a sort of crime! This insanity now prevails in many of the nation states of the world. Unless the sheeple is told the truth, or at least is allowed to find out the truth on its own, (when possible) going forward might not be all that harmonious and peaceful. Sticking to the old Bernays’ logic cannot bring amicable solutions to our vexing problems. However effective the old technic has been so far, it might not stand against the formidable contraption of the Internet. Modern informatics has rendered the monopoly of information untenable! Moreover, the sheeple has also become increasingly aware of the futility of the absurd destructive paradigm of the global status quo: ‘non-stop growth on a finite planet possible’!

Admitted or not, in our current scenario, it is not humanity that is sustaining and creating appropriate global values, which still remain the non-negotiable core to sustaining peaceful coexistence. Today, it is capital that has become our true counselor/guide to our various moral undertakings! For example, the sheeple might resolve that burning fossil fuel is suicidal; but the overriding decisions in the matter will be settled by capital and capital alone (in most cases), via its psychopathic minions. Currently, there are only a handful of media organizations dominating the airwaves. In fact, there are only six corporations that account for over 90% of broadcasting in the US, by extension, a good portion of the world. In addition to these, the few state owned media outlets merely follow the template/diktat of the value-setting dominant corporate media! Even though these private media outlets are losing money by the bushel, they keep on operating, because they are already owned by wealthy ‘god fathers’ with deep pockets. After all, media is not a mere business geared towards the sole purpose of making profit. It is a powerful tool to influence (create destructive values; like upholding the ‘values’ of lies, etc.) and unleash distorted views/opinions on the unsuspecting sheeple. The truth is; in the market place, the global sheeple has started to turn off MSM, since their lies have become obvious and suffocating! ‘Fake News’ to use President Trump’s phrasing!

The global sheeple needs community owned media outlets committed to conveying truth and facts as they occur. In late modernity, advertisement money oppressively & effectively muzzles truth/facts in the private media, while state owned ones only choose to follow the party (ruling) line. To have independent and viable media, the state must avail public resources, including money, to organizations that are run independently for the sole benefit of informing and enlightening the public! This should be done without interference in regards to, amongst other things, contents and editorials! After all, being well informed and truthfully so, is another of the modern ‘Commons’ and should not be treated as if it were aspect of special interests. Amongst the major prevailing media outlets in the world, only ‘Russia Today’ is closest to the ideal of independent media. Other countries, must try to come up with their own media that are fully dedicated to ‘truth telling.’ This is especially important in countries where the sheeple is still very sheeple-ish (innocent of the hidden workings of the modern world system) like in Africa. Beware; indoctrination instigates insurrection!

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