The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in consortia with People in Need (PIN) and Solidaridad through the IRC and European Union funding, launched a job matching application portal ModjoJobs in Modjo town. The platform is set to target 4000 unemployed youth, women, and girls;
10 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) within the leather sector; service providers (TVET, PES, Job centers) and their staff, and 8 tanneries in Modjo and nearby communities. The new platform services as one of the activities under “Green JOBs in the Leather Sector in Modjo’’
The Job portal will support woreda job centers’ (One Stop Service Centers (OSSCs), Public, Employment Services (PESs) and Private sector agents) and capacities linking job-seeking youth to private sector employment opportunities. Through the project, the IRC installed infrastructure including IT equipment and WiFi at the one-stop center.
The project works towards the overall objective of strengthening social cohesion, by supporting local economic and social development initiatives, especially for women and youth living in the Modjo area; and enhancing industrial and labor relations in the Modjo Leather City (MLC).
During the launching ceremony, the IRC Adama field office Coordinator, Lemmesa Shiferaw started that “unemployment is one of the significant problems of the country. The IRC with its partners is doing different activities to create green job opportunities in Modjo town and surrounding areas by focusing on those affected by the waste products from Modjo leather factories. This includes establishing, training, and providing financial support for 20 Village based loan and saving associations ( VSAL) for women, facilitating “learn to earn” training through a Youth leadership program for 2500 youths, promoting Job creation opportunities mainly for youths and women, promotion of Corporate social responsibilities by creating of good social cohesion among the community, campaniles, and government, capacity building for key government sectors, community, and stakeholders”.
Mojo city vice Mayor Tsegaye Teklehana also said “Modjo city would like to thank the EU, the IRC, and its partners for their contributions in capacitating the government offices mainly One Stop Service centers, TVET, and children and women affairs office. This project has been supporting the government’s big commitment to work on job creation mainly for youths advancing the service from manual to digital. This portal will have high benefits for the community, companies, and government in simplifying the data management of the Job and employment creation sector.”
Sisay Sime, Head of Modjo Job Creation and Skill Development Office also said “Since the implementation of this program, the youth’s attitude towards work has changed. Before, employment services for youth and women were very limited due to the low capacity of government and woreda-level offices to link them with economic opportunities. This application, the Job Matching Application (JMAP) Portal called ModjoJobs supports Modjo town and nearby communities, private companies, public Employment Service (PES) providers, and One Stop Service Centers). As Modjo Job Creation and Skill Development office, we will utilize the app to improve the existing service of One Stop Service Centers. Thank you for the great work on the project.”
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