Esubalew Ayele

Name: Esubalew Ayele

Education: 10+3

Company name: Peace of Dragon Martial Art Sport Club

Title: Owner

Founded in: 2022

What it do: Train martial Arts

Hq: Addis Ababa around 22

Number of Employees: 2

Startup capital: 5,000 birr

Current Capital:500,000 birr

Reason for starting the Business: hobby and experience of doing sport

The biggest perk of ownership: Being happy with what I do

Biggest strength: Handling my students /trainees

Biggest challenge: Handling my students /trainees

Plan: To be able to take international trainings

First career: None

Most interested in meeting: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Most admired person: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Stress reducer: Going to church

Favorite past time: Watching movie

Favorite book: Dertogada

Favorite destination: Bahirdar

Favorite automobile: Toyota Land Cruiser

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