Wednesday, November 13, 2024

EEP announces $445 million skyscraper HQ is under works

Ethiopian Electric Power has announced that it is going to build a 62-floor skyscraper at a cost of 445 million dollars.

The design of the headquarters is said to have been meticulously structured in such a way that it can comfortably run under modern technologies using renewable energies, wind and solar and is hence to be under construction at the level of a green building gold certificate.

 “The design is based on the US Green Building Council’s Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system,” the institute said.

The 62-floor skyscraper will be built at the heart of the central business district in the vicinity of the headquarters in Mexico.

The building, which rests on 20792 square meters, has a floor area of   197800 square meters.

The electric power company revealed that the structure will have a staggering height of 327.5 meters when completed.

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