Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The systemic cheating of our global order

In recent years, the world has witnessed a troubling trend: the normalization of systemic cheating as a core principle of governance and economic operation. This insidious vice has seeped into the very fabric of society, particularly in powerful states, where it is often cloaked in bureaucratic processes and manipulation. What we are witnessing is not merely a failure of integrity but a deliberate institutionalization of deceit that has become a coveted asset for those entrenched in crony capitalism.

At its heart, this decay reflects a broader reality: the established economic order shapes our values, norms, and societal mores. Cheating is no longer just an individual failing; it has become an accepted practice among the ruling elite, celebrated even by those who benefit from it. The current nation-states appear to rely on this systemic dishonesty to maintain their power both domestically and internationally. To perpetuate this culture of deceit, lying has become a necessary tool.

This hidden power structure, often referred to as the “deep state,” encompasses a vast network that includes military, intelligence, banking, and media institutions. The media, in particular, plays a pivotal role in this complex, acting as the primary vehicle for disseminating lies that keep the populace complacent—what can only be described as a zombification of the global citizenry. The entertainment industry further amplifies this deception, blurring the lines between reality and fiction in ways that serve the interests of the status quo.

Electoral democracy, ironically touted as the pinnacle of democratic governance, has become one of the most effective platforms for institutionalizing systemic cheating. While it ostensibly empowers citizens, it often delivers untold benefits to the cronies who manipulate its mechanisms. The global status quo enshrines this model as democracy itself while masking its inherent flaws and failures.

The economic underpinnings of our global system are equally troubling. At its core lies massive fraud perpetuated by practices like Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB). This system is predicated on a fundamental lie: that banks lend money from deposits when, in reality, they create money out of thin air. This fabricated currency generates interest and financial rents that exacerbate inflation and create wealth disparities. It is this “fake money” that fuels the rise of millionaires and billionaires—often at the expense of everyday people—while propping up oligarchs even in poorer nations.

To maintain this elaborate facade, a culture of systemic lying has been established across various institutions—from schools to universities—indoctrinating individuals into accepting these blatant deceptions as truth. This pervasive misinformation serves to legitimize the polarizing forces of globalization that continue to divide societies.

Geopolitics represents another arena where lies are weaponized to obscure underlying criminality. The mainstream media has largely become a mouthpiece for the establishment, offering narratives that distort reality rather than illuminate it. Historical examples abound: Libya was destroyed under the pretense of promoting democracy; Iraq was invaded based on fabricated claims about weapons of mass destruction; Syria and Ukraine have faced similar fates justified by misleading rhetoric.

In each case, these fabrications were crafted to mask the true motivations behind military interventions and geopolitical maneuvers—motivations rooted in maintaining control over resources and power rather than promoting freedom or democracy.

It is imperative for individuals to recognize these patterns and demand accountability from those in power. Only through collective awareness and action can we hope to dismantle this entrenched system of dishonesty and work towards a more equitable and truthful global order. The signs of decay are evident; it is time for us to confront them head-on before they become irreversible.

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