- Awash Insurance S.C. invites all interested and eligible bidders/ suppliers, both local and international, for the Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of Digital channels that meet the requirements of the Company indicated in the Request for proposal (RFP) document.
- The bid and RFP documents can be obtained from the Company in the following address upon payment of a non-refundable fee of ETB 1,000.00 (One Thousand Birr) at the time of purchasing the bid document from: –
Awash Insurance S.C, Ras Abebe Aregay Street, Awash Towers, P.O Box: 12637, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel : +251-115-570001
Fax : +251-115-570208
- Suppliers can register and obtain bid documents in any one of the following ways:
- By appearing in person and registering on their own behalf;
- By registering through a domestic company who acts as a commercial agent;
- Through bidder’s embassy.
- Local bidders should submit renewed license, VAT registration, TIN certificate and current year tax clearance.
- International bidders are required to submit an authorized license or certificate that certifies the bidder to transact the subject matter of the bid from the country of origin.
- The bid must be accompanied by a bid security in the amount of 2% of the bidder’s fixed fee for the “Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of Digital channels” in one of the following forms:
- CPO;
- Bank guarantee;
- Bid Bond issued by a well-known foreign bank and confirmed through a recognized domestic bank in Ethiopia and the bidder should inform Awash Insurance S.C. by fax or e-mail to collect the bid bond before the closing date.
- The bid remains floating from January 27,2025 to February 10,2025 and shall be closed on March 10,2025 at 3:30 PM and opened in the presence of bidders or their representative on the same date at 4:00 PM at the Company’s Management Meeting Room, 15th Floor, Ras Abebe Aregay Street, Awash Towers. Bids presented by any bidder after the closing date and time shall not be accepted.
- Sealed bids marked as “Tender for the Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of Digital channels” original and copy in separate three wax-sealed envelopes marked of General Proposal, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposals, wax-sealed in one big envelop must be delivered to the address specified above and submitted in the box prepared for this purpose on or before March 10,2025 3:30 PM
- Awash Insurance S.C. reserves the right to accept or reject all or parts of this bid.