The first private payment system operator, Arifpay financial technologies, announces its integration with the national switch operator, EthSwitch.
As indicated on a joint press conference held on Wednesday April 5, 2023, the integration between Arifpay and EthSwitch is set to bring numerous benefits to customers, merchants, and banks, such as increased financial inclusion, improved payment efficiency, enhanced interconnectivity, support for small businesses, and increased job opportunities and will further help to support economic growth by enabling businesses to process transactions more quickly and cost-effectively.
“EthSwitch is proud to be at the forefront of initiatives that promote interoperability, financial inclusion and digital payments in Ethiopia, and we are excited to support the integration of Arifpay with EthSwitch. We are committed to promoting financial inclusion and supporting the Ethiopian economy through the integration of Arifpay with EthSwitch,” said Yilebes Addis, CEO of EthSwitch.
Bernard Laurendeau, CEO of Arifpay stated that, “With the introduction of interoperable ArifPOS Smart devices, consumers will have more options for everyday payments, and will no longer be limited to using their debit cards only at ATMs.”
The CEOs’ remarks reflect the significance of the integration between ArifPay and EthSwitch in promoting financial inclusion and driving the growth of the Ethiopian economy.
Arifpay is said to be the first Point Of Sale (POS) payment system operator with payment solutions for smartphone, POS and quick response. Recently, Arifpay officially started its POS operation and payment gateway after the approval of a commercial license by the National Bank of Ethiopia.
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