Monday, February 17, 2025

ADVERTISEMENT | DPR Korea Embassy : “Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and DPRK in 2024”

For the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 2024 was a proud year, in which gigantic projects for the comprehensive rejuvenation of the state and the wellbeing of the people were designed and promoted forcefully, thus turning into brilliant fruition.
Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, indicated at several major meetings of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government of the Republic clear-cut ways and means for achieving a fresh upturn in the comprehensive development of socialist construction, and led the efforts to this end.
Housing construction was conducted on a large scale in the capital city of Pyongyang and in different parts of the country thanks to the painstaking and devoted efforts of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, and the flood-stricken areas including those in North
Phyongan and Jagang provinces were transformed beyond recognition. With the forceful promotion of the regional development policy in the new era, its entities presented their majestic appearance in 20 counties including Songchon, all the
sectors in economic construction definitely entered an upturn track, and the sportspeople achieved world-startling successes at major international games.
Under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un cutting-edge strategic and tactical weapon systems were developed one after another, demonstrating to the world the defence capability of the country, which is developing at exponential speed.
Looking back with dignity on the year 2024 filled with miraculous successes noteworthy in the history of the country, the Korean people are taking more powerful strides to achieve fresh victories under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

  1. Kim Jong Un presides over the enlarged meeting of the Ninth Plenary Meeting
    of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea in December
    The plenary meeting put it forward as the general orientation of struggle in 2024
    to successfully implement the struggle programme set forth at the Eighth
    Congress of the WPK and provide a springboard for new advance in the future by
    further expanding and actively applying the favourable situation and phase won
    through a stubborn struggle.
  2. Kim Jong Un presides over the 19th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of
    the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea in January 2024.
    The meeting discussed as its main agenda item the task of powerfully promoting the
    Party’s Regional Development 20×10 Policy.
  3. Kim Jong Un delivers a policy speech On the Immediate Tasks for the
    Prosperity and Development of Our Republic and the Promotion of the
    Wellbeing of Our People at the Tenth Session of the 14th Supreme People’s
    Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in January 2024.
  4. Kim Jong Un presides over the enlarged meeting of the Tenth Plenary Meeting
    of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea in June 2024.
    The plenary meeting reviewed the work in the first half of the year and set the
    main orientation of the work and policies of struggle for the second half of the
    year to successfully follow the orientation of state work and carry out all the tasks
    for 2024, and discussed and decided on the important tasks of practical
    significance in preserving the original features and people-oriented character of
    Korean-style socialism.
  5. Kim Jong Un delivers a speech Train Party Cadres in the New Era Faithful
    to the Party’s Original Ideals and Spirit at the inauguration ceremony of the
    Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea in May 2024.
  6. Kim Jong Un delivers a speech Let Us Further Strive for the Prosperity of
    Our Great State on the orientation of state work after meeting and congratulating
    the leading cadres of the Party and the government on the occasion of the
    founding anniversary of the DPRK in September 2024.
  7. Kim Jong Un looks round a farm machine exhibition in January 2024.
  8. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the newly-built Kwangchon Chicken
    Farm in January 2024.
  9. Kim Jong Un attends the groundbreaking ceremony for the third-stage project of
    building 10 000 flats in the Hwasong area in February 2024.
  10. Kim Jong Un shovels the first spadeful of earth at the groundbreaking ceremony
    for regional-industry factories in Songchon County in February 2024.
  11. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the regional-industry factories in
    Kimhwa County in February 2024.
  12. Kim Jong Un looks round the Kangdong Combined Greenhouse Farm in March
  13. Kim Jong Un blesses the working people, who are to move into new houses, at
    the inauguration ceremony of the 10 000 flats at the second stage in the Hwasong
    area in April 2024.
  14. Kim Jong Un cuts the tape at the inauguration ceremony of Jonwi Street in May
  15. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance over construction of the city of Samjiyon in
    July 2024.
  16. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance over the preparation for construction of the
    Sinpho City Offshore Farm in July 2024.
  17. Kim Jong Un presides over a consultative meeting for regional development
    work in August 2024.
  18. Kim Jong Un poses for a photograph in September 2024 with the footballers and
    coaches who won the 2024 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup.
  19. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the construction sites of the regionalindustry
    factories in Jaeryong County in November 2024.
  20. Kim Jong Un looks round the regional-industry factories in Songchon County in
    December 2024.
  21. Kim Jong Un cuts the tape at the inauguration ceremony of the Sinpho City
    Offshore Farm in December 2024.
  22. Kim Jong Un looks round the major service facilities in the Kalma Coastal
    Resort in December 2024.
  23. Kim Jong Un commands in July 2024 an operation for rescuing and evacuating
    the people in the disaster-stricken and disaster-predicted areas in the city of
    Sinuiju and Uiju County, North Phyongan Province, that suffered torrential
  24. Kim Jong Un looks round the flooded areas in North Phyongan Province in July
  25. Kim Jong Un presides over the 22nd emergency enlarged meeting of the Political
    Bureau of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea in July
    The meeting adopted with unanimous approval the resolution On Rapidly Repairing
    the Flood Damage in North Phyongan and Jagang Provinces.
  26. Kim Jong Un meets and consoles the flood victims living temporarily in tents in
    August 2024.
  27. Kim Jong Un warmly greets at their lodgings the people from the flood-stricken
    areas in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang provinces, who have arrived in
    Pyongyang, in August 2024.
  28. Kim Jong Un acquaints himself with the preparations for education of students
    from the flood-stricken areas at the April 25 Hostel in August 2024.
  29. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance over rehabilitation of flood-stricken areas in
    North Phyongan Province in September 2024.
  30. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at a project site for rehabilitation of floodstricken
    areas in Jagang Province in October 2024.
  31. Kim Jong Un looks round a cultured rural dwelling district built in an afflicted
    area in North Phyongan Province in December 2024.
  32. Kim Jong Un makes a congratulatory visit to the Ministry of National Defence
    on the occasion of army founding day in February 2024.
  33. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at Kim Jong Il Military and Political
    Academy, the highest institute of military education in the country, in April 2024.
  34. Kim Jong Un makes a congratulatory visit to the Academy of Defence Sciences
    on the occasion of its 60th founding anniversary in May 2024.
  35. Kim Jong Un inspects O Jin U Artillery Academy in September 2024.
  36. Kim Jong Un delivers a speech during his congratulatory visit to Kim Jong Un
    University of National Defence on the occasion of its 60th founding anniversary in
    October 2024.
  37. Kim Jong Un delivers a speech On the Prevailing Situation and the Tasks of
    the Battalion Commanders and Political Instructors of the Armed Forces of
    the Republic in front of those attending the Fourth Conference of the Battalion
    Commanders and Political Instructors of the Korean People’s Army in November
  38. Kim Jong Un inspects a major operational training base in a western area in March
  39. Kim Jong Un guides an artillery firing drill of large combined units of the Korean
    People’s Army in March 2024.
  40. Kim Jong Un guides a training match between the large combined tankmen’s units
    of the Korean People’s Army in March 2024.
  41. Kim Jong Un guides training of air-borne units of the Korean People’s Army in
    March 2024.
  42. Kim Jong Un inspects the training base of a special operations unit of the Korean
    People’s Army in a western area in October 2024.
  43. Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at a major TEL factory in January 2024.
  44. Kim Jong Un guides the test-firing of submarine-launched strategic cruise missile in
    January 2024.
  45. Kim Jong Un guides the evaluation test-firing of surface-to-sea missile Padasuri-6
    in February 2024.
  46. Kim Jong Un guides a ground jet test of a solid-fuelled engine for a new-type
    hypersonic intermediate-range missile in March 2024.
  47. Kim Jong Un guides the first test-firing of Hwasongpho-16-Na, a new-type solidfuelled
    IRBM loaded with newly-developed hypersonic glide vehicle in April 2024.
  48. Kim Jong Un guides the first combined tactical drill simulating a nuclear
    counterattack in April 2024.
  49. Kim Jong Un oversees the test-firing of tactical ballistic missile, which employed a
    new autonomous navigation system, in May 2024.
  50. Kim Jong Un guides a power demonstration firing of 600mm-calibre super-large
    multiple rocket sub-units in May 2024.
  51. Kim Jong Un delivers a speech at the ceremony of transferring and receiving
    new-type tactical ballistic missile system in August 2024.
  52. Kim Jong Un oversees the evaluation test-firing of 240mm-calibre MRLS under
    production at defence industrial enterprises in August 2024.
  53. Kim Jong Un guides on the spot the test-firing of latest-type ICBM Hwasongpho-19
    in October 2024.
  54. Kim Jong Un guides on the spot the performance test of suicide attack drones of
    various types, produced by the Unmanned Aeronautical Technology Complex, in
    November 2024.
  55. Kim Jong Un delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Military
    Hardware Exhibition Defence Development-2024 in November 2024.
  56. Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic
    of Korea, warmly receives Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian
    Federation, in June 2024.
  57. Kim Jong Un holds talks with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in June 2024.
  58. Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin sign the Treaty on
    Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Democratic People’s Republic of
    Korea and the Russian Federation in June 2024.
  59. Kim Jong Un awards Kim Il Sung Order, the highest order of the DPRK, to
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in June 2024.
  60. Kim Jong Un enjoys an artistic performance with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in
    June 2024.
  61. Kim Jong Un gives a warm send-off to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in June 2024.
  62. Inauguration ceremony of the 10 000 flats at the second stage in the Hwasong
    area in April 2024
  63. Jonwi Street inaugurated in May 2024
  64. New houses built at the Tongnae Farm in Phanmun District, Kaesong
  65. Houses newly built in the Yombunjin Coastal Park area
  66. Tens of thousands of families moved into new houses in over a hundred cities and
    counties in 2024.
  67. Kwangchon Chicken Farm inaugurated in January 2024
  68. Kangdong Combined Greenhouse Farm inaugurated in March 2024
  69. Regional-industry factories in Songchon County inaugurated in December 2024
  70. Newly built regional-industry factories in Jaeryong County
  71. Newly built regional-industry factories in Sukchon County
  72. Newly built regional-industry factories in Unpha County
  73. Newly built regional-industry factories in Kyongsong County
  74. Newly built regional-industry factories in Unchon County
  75. Sinpho City Offshore Farm inaugurated in December 2024
  76. Inauguration ceremony of an energy-saving oxygen blast furnace held at the
    Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex in December 2024
  77. Kosong Army-People Power Station in Kangwon Province
  78. Sariwon Tractor Parts Factory
  79. Scientific farming methods brought about a rich harvest in the agricultural sector.
  80. Inauguration ceremony of Songga Senior Middle School in Kangdong County held
    in November 2024
  81. Renovated Hamhung Choe Hui Suk Teachers Training College
  82. Newly built Jagang Provincial Medical Oxygen Factory
  83. Riding club newly built in Kanggye, Jagang Province
  84. Footballers of the DPRK who won the 2024 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup
  85. Footballers of the DPRK who won the 2024 FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup
  86. Artistic performance is given at the May Day Stadium in Pyongyang, the capital
    of the DPRK, to see in the hopeful new year 2025

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