Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Development Enterprise head, assistant flee to US

It has now been three months since the disappearance of the CEO at the Ethiopian Industrial Input Development Enterprise (EIIDE), Asfawossen Alene and his deputy Abay Kebede.
Sources at EIIDE claimed that the two were involved in unethical and illegal activities and that was their motive for going to the US, where their family is based.
According to sources, the CEO has not been seen at his office since March 14. “Initial reports were that he was on annual leave but as of now he has not returned,” sources said. Despite his absence the company has paid his salary for three months and his mobile phone bill.
Capital has confirmed that currently Idirs Niguss, the other deputy CEO has been assigned as acting director.
EIIDE replaced the former Merchandise Wholesale and Import Trade Enterprise (MEWIT), when it split into two. The organization is one of the biggest public enterprises with a huge sum of procurements from local and overseas markets.
Sources claim that in fact EIIDE was established to support industrialization by supplying industrial inputs that did not meet their target and were mainly engaged in the operation that MEWIT had undertaken in the past.
“About 80 percent of our sales are finished products,” sources said.
Idirs Niguss, who represents the CEO when he leaves the office, confirmed that the CEO left the office three months ago. He argued that Asfawossen had left the office due to family issues.
Idirs added that Asfawossen has submitted his resignation from the US. The other deputy CEO for procurement, Abay has also announced that he resigned from his post due to a health issue.
Sources said that Abay has not been seen since Monday June 18, when he parked the automobile he used at the office compound located at the Vatican Embassy.
Idirs confirmed that the deputy also submitted his resignation a few days after his disappearance.
Sources said that the deputy CEO also traveled to the US. According to sources, there is a police investigation ongoing at the enterprise in relation with the procurement of rebar.
However they claimed that there are several scandals at the enterprise including the head office rent when it has its own facility at Piazza.
Idirs argued that the Enterprise is trying its best to supply inputs like cotton and leather for the manufacturing industries. However he said that the economic situation in the past couple of years has influenced the activity of the enterprise. He has also confirmed that there is an investigation being carried out by police.
Asfawossen served as head of the Large Taxpayers Branch Office of the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority before he came to EIIDE as the first CEO. Abay, had been working at MEWIT for a long period.
Employees at the enterprise insisted that the government has to give adequate attention at the enterprise since there are many illegal activities occurring there. They claimed that there are organized and networked corruption acts going on from top to bottom employees of the organization.
Early last week the new federal government reshuffled the board of the enterprise. According to Idris, Melaku Alebel, the recently appointed Minister of Trade, was assigned to chair the board, while Ahmed Tussa, the recently assigned State Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation who served on several top positions in the past, was appointed as vice chair of the board.
The former board was chaired by Mebrahtu Melese (PhD), who is now state Minister of Trade.

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